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3.5.2 - Time Limits for Completing Master's Degrees

Updated: 7/23/2024

A student registered in a master's degree program typically will complete work within six calendar years after the student's first graduate enrollment at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences. Programs with shorter time limits have so indicated in the section of this bulletin that refers specifically to their program.

When additional time is necessary and appropriate, the student and advisor will petition the student's program for an extension. The extension may be denied, in which case the student will be dismissed, or it may be granted with qualification. The program must inform the student, advisor, and Graduate Dean of its decision in writing. If the extension exceeds one year, approval by the Graduate Dean is required. Extensions needing approval by the Graduate Dean will require that the department or program unit certify that the student's knowledge will be current and appropriate to the degree at the time the degree is awarded.

Graduate credit taken at the University of Oklahoma or at another accredited university that is to be applied toward a master's degree may not be more than six years old at the time of admission or readmission to the Graduate College. No more than one-quarter of the credit hours (transfer credit and residence credit) applied toward a master's degree can be more than six years old at the time of graduation. To compensate for an expired course, the student should complete a more advanced course on the same topic as the expiring course. The new course must be worth equal or greater hours to the expiring course. If the expiring course carries a letter grade, the new course should also carry a letter grade.  

A student's registration in a master's degree program is terminated upon receiving the degree. To continue studies in the Graduate College, re-application in another graduate degree program or as a special student must be made and approved.

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