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2.10.2 - Grades of A, B, C, D, and F

Updated: 7/23/2024

The grades A, B, C, D, and F are used in computing grade point averages. In the Graduate College the grades of A, B, C, and S are the only passing or satisfactory grades, and the grades of D, F and U are failing. Students who receive a D, F or U grade in a required course must register for the required course the next time it is offered. In such re-enrollment, both grades will be shown on the student's academic record and both will be included in the grade point average calculation. Any student presenting credit from another institution for a course previously failed at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences shall not receive credit for such courses except through validation by the department in which the course was originally failed and approval by the Graduate Dean. It is the prerogative of each college and/or department to establish grade requirements above the Graduate College minimum.

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