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2.9.3 - Enrollment of Undergraduate Students in Graduate Courses

Updated: 1/14/2025

Undergraduate juniors or seniors at the University of Oklahoma who have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater may enroll in graduate level courses. Approval is required from the student's undergraduate advisor, the course instructor, the department offering the course, and the Graduate Dean. Approval of the instructor will signify that the junior or senior will be graded in competition with the graduate students in the class. The application must be completed and returned to the Graduate College Office with the signed approvals noted above before or during the first two weeks of classes of the semester during which the course will be taken.

Undergraduates desiring graduate credit for a course must have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.00 and complete and return to the OU Norman Graduate College the Application for Graduate Credit for Courses taken during the Junior and Senior Year. 

When the student has completed the bachelor's degree, the Graduate College will request the student's undergraduate college to verify that the course was not required for the bachelor's degree and that the student earned either A, B, or S in the course. Credit for courses so listed may not be applied toward the bachelor's degree.

Each graduate degree program has a prescribed set of courses required for the degree and not all graduate level courses can be applied to fulfill those requirements. Before enrolling in graduate level courses, the student who plans to work toward a graduate degree should consult with the department or program to plan an appropriate program of study.

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