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2.14 - Graduate Awards for Academic Excellence

Updated: 7/23/2024

One Outstanding Master’s Thesis and one Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award are offered annually to reward excellence in research. Each Program has the opportunity to nominate one thesis and/or dissertation to compete for these prestigious awards. The Research and Graduate Student Affairs Committee of the Graduate Council selects these awards. Winners are presented a certificate and cash award at the OUHSC Campus Awards Ceremony.

The Graduate College and the Graduate Student Association annually sponsor the Graduate Research, Education, and Technology (GREAT) Symposium where graduate students and postdoctoral fellows present oral and poster presentations describing current original research projects. Travel grants and trophies are awarded for winning presentations.

The Graduate College awards the O. Ray Kling Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership each year at the OUHSC Campus Awards Ceremony. This award is named in honor of Dr. O. Ray Kling, Dean of the Graduate College from 1990-2002. It is given annually to the graduate student who best embodies Dr. Kling’s commitment to the hallmarks of graduate education at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences. A committee named by the Dean of the Graduate College annually evaluates graduate students for this award based upon leadership among peers, service to students in the Graduate College, academic accomplishments, intellectual honesty and curiosity, and achievements in research.

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